Parkview Street Gospel Hall

234 Parkview Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Derek Hofer Messages

1st Samuel 1-2 Hannah  08 February 2025    Practical

Revelation 7  27 October 2024   The Revelation

Judgment For Sin Ukrainian Translation  22 Sep 2024   Gospel

Galatians 2v20 Not I But Christ  01 September 2024   Devotional

Unwavering Faith In Trials  28 July 2024   Practical

Revelation 3v14-22  Letter to Laodicea  28 April 2024   The Revelation

Justified Before God  31 March 2024   Gospel

Faith Displaces Fears & Doubts  05 March 2024   Devotional

Repentance  25 February 2024   Gospel

Ephesians 1 Seven Blessing in Christ 17 Sep 2023   Expositional

Substitution  03 September 2023   Gospel

He Is Able  25 July 2023   Devotional

Galatians 3 Curse Removed  25 June 2023   Gospel

Hebrews 9v26-28  30 April 2023   Gospel

2nd Peter 1v10-21  26 March 2023   II Peter

2nd Peter 1v5-9  19 March 2023   II Peter

2nd Peter 1v1-5  12 March 2023   II Peter

Proverbs 3v5 Worthy Of Our Trust  24 January 2023   Practical

Living The Gospel Gal3 Col2 1Thess2 18 October 2022   Practical

Mark 5v25-34 Touch Of Faith 10 April 2022   Gospel

Hebrews 12 part 3 v14-29  20 March 2022   Hebrews

Hebrews 12 part 2 v5-13 13 March 2022    Hebrews

Hebrews 12 part 1 v1-2 06 March 2022   Hebrews

Matthew 26v39 Self Will Surrendered 22 February 2022   Practical

1st Peter 3v18 October 24, 2021   Gospel

Philippians 1v21 For Me To Live Christ August 31, 2021   Devotional

Luke 15v1-7 The Lost Sheep   Gospel

Numbers 21v4-9 John 3v13-16 Gospel June 20, 2021   Gospel

Colossians 2v9 The All-Sufficient Christ June 15, 2021   Expositional

Hebrews 6v11-20 May 23, 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 6v1-10 May 16,2021  Hebrews

Hebrews 5v11-14 May 09, 2021   Hebrews

Romans 5 Gospel Christ Died For Us April 25, 2021   Gospel

Galatians 3-4 Sonship April 13, 2021   Expositional

Lessons From Life Of Abraham November 03, 2020   Practical

II Timothy 4 February 2, 2020   II Timothy

II Thessalonians 2:1-9 March 24, 2019   II Thessalonians

Despairing Mary and Doubting Thomas Mar 3, 2019 WSMM 2018-2019

Ephesians 6:10-18 October 21, 2018   Ephesians

God's Grace December 5, 2017   Practical

Jonah 2-3 April 2, 2017   Minor Prophets

Jonah 1-2 March 26, 2017   Minor Prophets

The Two Debtors February 5, 2017   Gospel

Romans 12 October 20, 2013   Romans

Gospel Meeting August 24, 2008   Gospel













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