Parkview Street Gospel Hall

234 Parkview Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Richard Lawford Messages

Hebrews 2 Death Ukrainian Translation 28 July 2024   Gospel

Worship  14 July 2024   Devotional

Revelation 5v8-14  26 May 2024  The Revelation

Revelation 5v1-7  19 May 2024   The Revelation

Revelation 3v1-6 Letter to Sardis  07 April 2024   The Revelation

Forgiveness Example Of Joseph  10 March 2024   Practical

Jude v14-25  04 February 2024   Jude's Epistle

Jude v8-13  14 January 2024   Jude's Epistle

Jude v1-7  07 January 2024   Jude's Epistle

Matthew 13 Kingdom Parables  02 January 2024   Expositional

If Christ Had Not Come  24 December 2023   Gospel

Unique Seed God's Son God's Word  12 November   Gospel

1st Corinthians Overview  19 September 2023   Expositional

Acts 20 Paul's Committment To Serve  01 Aug 2023   Practical

Lessons From Threshingfloors  30 July 2023   Practical

2nd Peter 3v13-18  04 June 2023   II Peter

2nd Peter 3v7-13  28 May 2023   II Peter

Local Church Fellowship  16 May 2023   Practical

2nd Peter 3v1-6  30 April 2023   II Peter

Exodus 12 The Blood  16 April 2023   Gospel

The Light Of The World 05 March 2023   Gospel

Priesthood Of Believers  07 February 2023   Devotional

Time And Eternity  17 January 2023   Practical

Psalm 23  13 December 2022   Devotional

1st Peter 2v11-25  04 December 2022   I Peter

1st Peter 2v6-10  23 October 2022   I Peter

1st Peter 2v1-5  16 October 2022   I Peter

The Rapture  30 August 2022   Practical

1st Samuel 9-10 Leadership  14 August 2022   Practical

Things That Never Will Happen 26 June 2022   Gospel

James 1v13-27  08 May 2022   James

James 1v9-12  01 May 2022   James

James 1v1-8  24 April 2022   James

James Introduction 17 April 2022   James

James 5v16-18 Prayers Of Elijah 12 April 2022   Practical

God's Purpose In Salvation 06 March 2022   Gospel

John 17v18 Representatives of Christ Dec 05, 2021   Practical

John 17 Our Advocate November 14, 2021   Expositional

1 Cor 3 Judges 5 Judgment Seat of Christ Oct 17, 2021   Practical

Hebrews 9 part 5 August 15, 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 9 part 4 August 08, 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 9 part 3 August 01, 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 9 part 2 July 25, 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 9 part 1 July 18, 2021   Hebrews

John 15v1-8 Fruitbearing 30 May, 2021   Expositional

Acts 2v41-42 Assembly Fellowship May 11, 2021   Expositional

Hebrews 1 part 2 March 1, 2020   Hebrews

Hebrews 1 part 1 February 23, 2020   Hebrews

II Timothy 3 part 2 January 26, 2020   II Timothy

The Trials of a Believer January 11, 2020   WSMM 2020

The Word of God November 5, 2019   Expositional

I Thessalonians 5:1-11 February 10, 2019   I Thessalonians

I Thessalonians 5:12-24 February 24, 2019   I Thessalonians

I Thessalonians 5 Powerpoint February 2019   I Thessalonians outlines

Ephesians 4:17-32 September 30, 2018   Ephesians

Ephesians 4:7-16 September 23, 2018   Ephesians

Ephesians 4:1-6 September 16, 2018   Ephesians

Genesis 49 part 2 May 27, 2018   Expositional

Genesis 49 part 1 May 20, 2018   Expositional

Genesis 49 (slides) May 20, 27, 2018   Expositional outlines

The Glory of God in Creation Nov. Dec. 2015   Special Series

The Spirit of God in Ephesians March 18, 2018   Ephesians

The Holy Spirit in Ephesians March 18, 2018   Ephesians outlines

I Peter 2 Aspects of a Believer's Life October 1, 2017   Practical

Micah 6:9-7:20 July 9, 2017   Minor Prophets

Micah 5:1-6:8 June 4, 2017   Minor Prophets

Micah 3:1-4:13 May 28, 2017   Minor Prophets

Micah 1:8-2:13 May 21, 2017   Minor Prophets

Micah Introduction, 1:1-7 May 14, 2017   Minor Prophets

Micah outline May 2017   Minor Prophets outlines

Government of God March 4, 2017   WSMM 2016-2017

Galatians 5:22-26 March 27, 2016   Galatians

Galatians 5:12-21 March 20, 2016   Galatians

Galatians 5:1-11 March 13, 2016   Galatians

Galatians 5 outline March 2016   Galatians outlines

The Jehovah-Titles September 1, 2015   Practical

The Feasts of Jehovah July 19, 2015   Expositional

The Feasts of Jehovah July 19, 2015   Expositional outlines

II Corinthians 6:8-18 May 10, 2015   II Corinthians

II Corinthians 6:1-7 April 26, 2015   II Corinthians

The Coming of the Lord January 10, 2015   WSMM 2014-2015

The Coming of the Lord outline Jan. 10, 2015   WSMM 2014-2015

I Corinthians 12 part 2 October 5, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 12 part 1 September 28, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 12 Sept. 28, Oct. 5, 2014   I Corinthians outlines

Deborah's Song August 3, 2014   Practical

I Corinthians 3:10-23 February 9, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 3:1-9 February 2, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 3 outline February 2, 9, 2014   I Corinthians outlines

Ends (gospel) December 29, 2013   Gospel

Romans 15 November 17, 2013 part 1   Romans

Romans 15 November 17, 2013   Romans outlines

God's Promises to Israel August 18, 2013   Practical

Abraham's Tests of Faith part 3 Feb. 10, 2013  Character Studies

Abraham's Tests of Faith part 2 Jan. 27, 2013   Character Studies

The Trinity part 2 October 21, 2012   Expositional

The Trinity part 1 October 13, 2012   Expositional

Gospel Meeting July 29, 2012   Gospel

Blessing in the Early Church Feb. 11, 2011   WSMM 2010-2011

Worship August 16, 2009   Practical

The Lordship of Christ March 8, 2008   WSMM 2007-2008

Gospel/Daniel, Derek, Amanda Hofer's Baptism Feb. 24, 2008   Gospel

Communications April 2, 2007   Practical

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