Parkview Street Gospel Hall

234 Parkview Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Ian Gibson Messages

Portions Of Peace Offering  04 March 2025   Devotional

Luke 13v22-30 Door Of Salvation 26 January 2025   Gospel

Colossians Identification With Christ  07 January 2025   Expositional

Revelation 11v14-19  Events In Heaven  05 January 2025   Revelation

Revelation 11v3-13 Two Witnesses 22 December 2024 The Revelation

Revelation 11v1-3 Two Witnesses 15 December 2024  The Revelation

Revelation 6v12-17  20 October 2024   The Revelation

Revelation 6 Outline  October 2024   Revelation Outlines

Revelation 6v1-11  13 October 2024   The Revelation

Revelation 6v1-2 The Tribulation  06 October 2024   The Revelation

Galatians 3-4 Sonship Blessing  18 August 2024   Expositional

Luke 9 Transfiguration Mount  04 August 2024   Gospel

Acts 17 God Commands Repentance  17 March 2024   Gospel

Revelation 1v14-20  03 March 2024   The Revelation

Revelation 1v10-14  25 February 2024   The Revelation

Revelation 1v4-9  18 February 2024   The Revelation

Revelation 1v1-3  11 February 2024   The Revelation

Acts 4v12 We Must Be Saved  14 January 2024   Gospel

Titus 3v4-7 Appearing of Love of God  05 Dec 2023   Expositional

Titus 3v3-7 God's Salvation  29 October 2023   Gospel

1st John 3v16-24  08 October 2023   John's Epistles

1st John 3v8-15  01 October 2023   John's Epistles

1st John 3v3-7  24 September 2023   John's Epistles

1st John 3v1-2  10 September 2023  John's Epistles

Titus 2v14 Christ Gave Himself For Us  08 August 2023   Expositional

Genesis 49v8-12 Until Shiloh Come  06 August 2023   Expositional

John 20v19-31 Wounds Of Calvary  30 July 2023   Gospel

Titus 2v13 Appearing of Glory of God  11 July 2023   Expositional

Matthew 27 John 19 Finished Work  04 June 2023   Gospel

Titus 2v11-12 Appearing of Grace of God  09 May 2023   Expositional

2nd Peter 2v10-22  23 April 2023   II Peter

2nd Peter 2v3-9  16 April 2023   II Peter

2nd Peter 2v1-3  09 April 2023   II Peter

Philippians 3v15-21 Christ Coming Deliverer 05 March Expositional

Philippians 3v13-14 Christ Our Prize  31 January 2023   Expositional

Philippians 3v11-12 Apprehended Of Christ  27 Dec 2022  Expositional

Philippians 3v9-10 Christ Our Righteousness 22 Nov 2022 Expositional

Acts 15v6-11 Word Of The Gospel  23 October 2022   Gospel

1st Peter 1v15-25  09 October 2022   I Peter

Philippians 3v4-8 Christ Our Recompense  04 Oct 2022   Expositional

1st Peter 1v10-14  02 October 2022   I Peter

1st Peter 1v5-9  25 September 2022   I Peter

1st Peter 1v2-4  11 September 2022   I Peter

1st Peter Overview 04 September 2022   I Peter

Philippians 3v3 No Confidence in Flesh  09 August 2022   Expositional

Philippians 3v1-3 Spiritual Circumcision 05 July 2022   Expositional

James 2v14-26  29 May 2022   James

James 2v8-13  22 May 2022   James

James 2v1-7  15 May 2022   James

Philippians 3 Overview 03 May 2022   Expositional

Matthew 13 Parable Of Sower  01 May 2022    Gospel

1 Cor 6v9-11 Rev 20-21 10 April 2022 Washed Sanctified Justified   Gospel

Ephesians 2v20-22 Work Of Construction 05 April 2022   Expositional

Ephesians 2v18-22 Access To The Father 01 Mar 2022   Expositional

Ephesians 2v17 Work of Evangelization 01 Feb 2022   Expositional

Psalm 117 Call To Praise The LORD  09 January 2022   Devotional

Ephesians 2v14-16 Reconciliation  07 December 2021   Expositional

Ephesians 2v14-22 Christ & The Church  30 Nov 2021   Expositional

Matt 18v1-4 Lk 13v1-5 John 3v3-5 Warnings  14 Nov 2021   Gospel

Ephesians 2v11-13 In Christ Jesus  02 November 2021   Expositional

Hebrews 10 part 6 v26-39  26 September 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 10 part 5 v19-25  19 September 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 10v19-39 Outline September 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 10 part 4 v15-19  12 September 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 10 part 3 v10-14  05 September 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 10 part 2 v1-9  29 August 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 10 part 1 Overview  22 August 2021   Hebrews

Hebrews 10v1-18 Outline August 2021   Hebrews outlines

Matt 12 John 4&8 Christ Greater Than  10 August 2021   Devotional

The Lamb of God  01 August 2021   Gospel

John 11-14 Lord Jesus Troubled  06 July 2021   Devotional

Ephesians 1-3 Eternal Links With Divine Persons  08 June 2021   Expositional

Luke 5v1-26 Gospel Confession Cleansing Forgiveness   Gospel

2nd Peter 1v1-4 Divine Beneficence  30 March 2021   Expositional

Hebrews 6v11-20 Christ Our Better Hope  16 Feb 2021   Expositional

Psalm 113 Reasons To Praise God  05 January 2021   Expositional

Nathanael's Conversion & Confession John 1v43-2v1    New Year Day Conference 2021

Mark 14v3-9 A Devoted Heart Displayed  10 Nov 2020   Devotional

Hebrews 2 part 6 v16-18  11 October 2020   Hebrews

Hebrews 2 part 5 v14-15 Complete  04 October 2020   Hebrews

Hebrews 2 part 5 v14-15 Incomplete  04 October 2020   Hebrews

Hebrews 2 part 4 v11-13  27 September 2020   Hebrews

Hebrews 2 part 3 v10  08 September 2020   Hebrews

Hebrews 2v10-18 outline March 2020   Hebrews outlines

Brotherly Love  14 July 2020   Practical

Hebrews 2 part 2 v5-9  15 March 2020   Hebrews

Hebrews 2 part 1 v1-4  08 March 2020   Hebrews

Hebrews 2v1-9 outline March 2020   Hebrews outlines

I Timothy 6 part 2  27 October 2019   I Timothy

I Timothy 6 part 1  20 October 2019   I Timothy

1st Timothy 6 Overview   I Timothy

Suffering and Glory Matthew 16  25 August 2019   Devotional

I Thessalonians 1v4-10  02 December 2018   I Thessalonians

I Thessalonians 1v1-3  25 November 2018   I Thessalonians

I Thessalonians 1 Overview Nov-Dec 2018   I Thessalonians outlines

James Introduction  30 October 2018   Expositional

James Introduction outline  30 October 2018   Expositional outlines

Revelation 4  15 July 2018   Expositional

Ephesians 1:15-23  03 April 2018   Ephesians

Ephesians 1:15-23 outline  03 April 2018   Ephesians Outlines

Ephesians 1:5-14  01 April 2018   Ephesians

Ephesians 1:3-4  25 March 2018   Ephesians

Ephesians 1:1-14  11 March 2018   Ephesians

Ephesians 1:1-14 outline March-April 2018   Ephesians Outlines

Overview of Ephesians part 2  04 March 2018   Ephesians

Revelation 4 Throne of God  03 March 2018   WSMM2017-2018

Overview of Ephesians part 1  25 February 2018   Ephesians

Ephesians outline February March 2018   Ephesians outlines

Luke 14:15-24 God's Gracious Invitation 31 December 2017   Gospel

I Peter 1 Gospel Message  24 September 2017   Gospel

Hebrews 9:1-5  16 July 2017   Devotional

Nahum 3:1-19  30 April 30 2017   Minor Prophets

Nahum 1:8-2:13  23 April 2017   Minor Prophets

Nahum 1:2-7  16 April 2017   Minor Prophets

Nahum Introduction  09 April 2017   Minor Prophets

Nahum outline  April 2017   Minor Prophets outlines

Overview of the Acts  20 December 20 2016   Expositional

Overview of the Acts  20 December 20 2016   Expositional outlines

Psalm 139 Attributes of God  08 November 2016   Expositional

Isaiah 50  14 August 2016   Devotional

Zephaniah part 4  24 July 2016   Minor Prophets

Zephaniah part 3  17 July 2016   Minor Prophets

Zephaniah part 2  29 May 2016   Minor Prophets

Zephaniah part 1  22 May 2016   Minor Prophets

Zephaniah outline May July 2016   Minor Prophets outlines

Acts 4v12 God's Salvation  03 April 2016   Gospel

Galatians 1:6-24  31 January 2016   Galatians

Galatians 1:6-24 outline  31 January 2016   Galatians outlines

Galatians 1:1-5 January 24, 2016   Galatians

Galatians 1:1-5 outline January 24, 2016   Galatians outlines

I Peter 2 The House of God January 9, 2016   WSMM 2015-2016

Isaiah 9:1-7 December 20, 2015   Devotional

II Corinthians 13:3-14 November 22, 2015   II Corinthians

II Corinthians 12:19-13:2 November 15, 2015   II Corinthians

II Corinthians 13 outline Nov. 15, 22, 2015   II Corinthians outlines

Baptism in the Holy Spirit October 2015   Expositional outlines

Isaiah 49 Jehovah's Servant August 30, 2015   Devotional

Eyewitnesses of His Majesty II Peter 1 July 5, 2015  Expositional

Christian Worship July 2015   Expositional outlines

The Lord's Supper I Cor. 11:17-34 June 2015 Expositional outlines

Headship I Corinthians 11:2-16 May 2015   Expositional outlines

Local Church Fellowship Acts 2 I Cor. 1 Apr. 2015   Exp. outlines

Better Sacrifice Hebrews 9 March 14, 2015   WSMM 2014-2015

II Corinthians 3:7-18 February 22, 2015   II Corinthians

II Corinthians 3 New Covenant February 15, 2015   II Corinthians

II Corinthians 2:14-3:3 February 8, 2015   II Corinthians

II Corinthians 2-3 outline February 2015   II Corinthians outlines

II Corinthians overview January 11, 2015   II Corinthians

II Corinthians overview outline Jan. 11, 2015 II Corinthians outlines

I Corinthians 14 part 3 November 2, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 14 part 3 outline Nov. 2, 2014   I Corinthians outlines

I Corinthians 14 part 2 October 26, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 14 part 2 outline Oct 26, 2014  I Corinthians outlines

I Corinthians 14 part 1 October 19, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 14 part 1 outline Oct. 19, 2014 I Corinthians outlines

The Bones of Joseph July 13, 2014   Devotional

I Corinthians 6 part 2 March 30, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 6:12-20 outline March 30, 2014 I Corinthians outlines

I Corinthians 6 part 1 March 23, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 6:1-11 outline March 23, 2014  I Corinthians outlines

I Corinthians 5 part 2 March 2, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 5 part 1 February 23, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 5 outline Feb./March 2014   I Corinthians outlines

I Corinthians 1:10-31 January 19, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 1:1-9 January 12, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians 1 outline January 12, 2014   I Corinthians outlines

I Corinthians Overview January 5, 2014   I Corinthians

I Corinthians Overview outline Jan. 5, 2014   I Corinthians outlines

Baptism November 24, 2013   Gospel

Dedication of the House II Chronicles 5   Expositional

A Sweet Savour of Christ July 14, 2013   Devotional

Romans 8:28-39 June 2, 2013   Romans

Romans 8:28-39 outline June 2, 2013   Romans outlines

Revelation 19-20 outline   Revelation outlines

Overview of Revelation 19-20  26 March 2013   Revelation

Romans 1:1-17 part 2 March 8, 2013   Romans

Romans 1:1-17 part 1 March 3, 2013   Romans

Romans 1:1-17 March 1, 2013   Romans outlines

Overview of Romans February 24, 2013   Romans

Romans Overview February 24, 2013   Romans outlines

The Flesh Exodus 17 February 9, 2013   WSMM 2013

Glorification with Christ November 18, 2012   Fundamental Truths

Glorification with Christ outline Nov. 18, 2012   F. T. outlines

Revelation 12 outline   Revelation outlines

Identification with Christ part 2 Sept 23, 2012 Fundamental Truths

Identification with Christ part 1 Sept 16, 2012 Fundamental Truths

Identification with Christ outline Sept. 16, 2012   Fundamental Truths outlines

Letter to Laodicea outline   Revelation outlines

Letter to Philadelphia outline   Revelation outlines

Letter to Sardis outline   Revelation outlines

Letter to Thyatira outline   Revelation outlines

Letter to Pergamos outline   Revelation outlines

Letter to Ephesus outline   Revelation outlines

Letters To Seven Churches Overview   Revelation outlines

Introduction to the Seven Churches  06 April 2012   Revelation

John the Disciple Jesus Loved April 1, 2012   Character Studies

Revelation 1:1-8 outline   Revelation outlines

Sonship part 3 January 22, 2012   Fundamental Truths

Sonship part 2 January 15, 2012   Fundamental Truths

Sonship part 1 January 14, 2012   WSMM 2011-2012

Abraham's Test 3 November 20, 2011   Character Studies

Abraham's Faith November 6, 2011   Character Studies

Abraham's Call 1 October 30, 2011   Character Studies

The Character of Christ as a Youth Aug 2, 2011   Devotional

Eternal Security part 2/Assurance May 22, 2011   Fundamental Truths

Assurance outline May 22, 2011  Fundamental Truths outlines

Eternal Security part 1 May 8, 2011   Fundamental Truths

Eternal Security outline May 2011   Fundamental Truths outlines

Romans 8:1-25 February 12, 2011   WSMM 2010-2011

Parables of the Kingdom part 4 Matt. 13 Jan. 23, 2011   Parables

Parables of the Kingdom outline part 4   Parables outlines

Parables of the Kingdom part 3 Matt. 13 Jan. 9, 2011   Parables

Parables of the Kingdom outline part 3   Parables outlines

Parables of the Kingdom outline part 2   Parables outlines

Parables of the Kingdom outline part 1   Parables outlines

Let This Mind Be In You October 5, 2010   Devotional

The Meal Offering part 2 October 3, 2010   Levitcal Offerings

The Meal Offering part 2 outline Oct. 3, 2010   Levitical Offerings outlines

The Meal Offering part 1 September 26, 2010   Levitical Offerings

The Meal Offering part 1 outline Sept. 26, 2010   Levitical Offerings outlines

Psalm 110 part 3 August 22, 2010   Messianic Psalms

Psalm 110 part 2 August 8, 2010   Messianic Psalms

Psalm 110 part 1 August 1, 2010   Messianic Psalms

Psalm 110 overview outline August 2010   Messianic Psalms outlines

Psalm 110 Enthroned Messiah outline   Messianic Psalms outlines

Jeremiah 4&Heb. 10 April 6, 2010 (Robert Wilson)   Expositional

Psalm 16 March 14, 2010   Messianic Psalms

Psalm 16 outline March 14, 2010   Messianic Psalms outlines

Melchizedek Priesthod of Christ Jan. 31, 2010   Person of Christ

Melchizedek Priesthood of Christ outline   Person of Christ outlines

The Present Ministry of Christ January 24, 2010   Person of Christ

Present Ministry of Christ outline Jan 24, 2010   Person of Christ outlines

Psalm 22 December 11, 2009   WSMM 2009-2010

Sufferings of Christ outline Nov. 2009  Person of Christ outlines

Christ's Appearings Hebrews 9 November 3, 2009   Expositional

The Deity and Sonship of Christ Sept. 13, 2009   Person of Christ

Deity&Sonship of Christ outline Sept 13, 2009   Person of Christ outlines

Manna for the People of God July 26, 2009   Devotional

Rewards in Resurrection for Mary June 6, 2009   Devotional

I Peter 1:1-9 part 2 May 10, 2009   Expositional

I Peter 1:1-9 February 14, 2009   WSMM 2008-2009

Christian Worship part 2 November 30, 2008   Practical

Christian Worship part 1 November 23, 2008   Practical

Christian Worship outline November 2008   Practical outlines

Isaiah 42 June 13, 2008   Devotional

Christ's Church Matthew 16 April 1, 2008   Expositional

Holiness in the Sanctuary February 9, 2008   WSMM 2007-2008

Acts 2:41-47 July 8, 2007   Expositional

Colossians 1 part 2 March 6, 2007   Colossians

Colossians 1 part 1 February 22, 2007   Colossians

Colossians 1 outline February 2007   Colossians outlines

Truth of Gathering February 2007   Expositional outlines

Truth of Gathering Booklet Format Feb 2007   Expositional outlines

Luke 23 December 5, 2006   Devotional

Seven Sayings from the Cross July 30, 2006   Devotional

John 12:20-33 July 4, 2006   Expositional

Philippians 1 February 16, 2006   Philippians

Philippians 1 outline February 16, 2006   Philippians outlines

Christ in the Midst April 2, 2005   Devotional

Propitiation and Substitution 2004   Fundamental Truths outlines

Reconciliation 2004   Fundamental Truths outlines

Redemption 2004   Fundamental Truths outlines

Salvation 2004   Fundamental Truths outlines

Justification 2004   Fundamental Truths outlines

Sanctification & Consecration 2004   Fundamental Truths outlines

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